** Ash is a 14yr old large pony. He has been a star lesson program, getting students to shows for the 1st time as well as being the 1st horse to ever ride. More whoa than go! Ash is an easy keeper, he goes barefoot and loves to be out as much as possible but does great in a stall too. Currently schooling 2’6″. $10,000.00

Dilion—For Sale
The perfect husbands horse! Dillion is a 17yr registered quarter horses gelding. He is great in the ring, on the trail and at the shows for any level rider. He is super honest over fences, taking care of even the smallest riders. Point and shoot ride for teaching kids over fences. He goes in a western saddle and neck reins. $10,000.00 sale price. On-site full lease $650 monthly with yearly commitments. Call for off-site lease options/fees.

Big Red Chief—For Lease
Chief is a 17hh 6yr old TB gelding. Chief has amazing gates and loves to jump. He has started over fences and is part of our lesson program for our more advanced students. Chief and the students are learning so much together. He will lead out on the trails and will be a perfect gentleman at a horse show. He has the puppy dog personality that keeps his riders smiling. On-site full lease $650 monthly with yearly commitments. Call for off-site lease options/fees.

Lily—For Lease
***Currently Leased Off Site***The perfect leadline and Preshort pony! On-site full lease $650 monthly with yearly commitments. Call for off-site lease options/fees.